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Google expands its 'prebunking' campaign to fight fake news in Europe

In a battle against fake news, Google is launching a new campaign across Europe. The tech giant plans to release short videos showing the mechanisms at play behind disinformation.

The videos will appear as advertisements on platforms like Facebook, YouTube or TikTok. 

These videos will be rolled out in Germany soon. A similar campaign in India is also in the works.

Google wants to use a technique called prebunking. You've probably already heard of debunking - revealing the inaccuracy of a claim - but what does prebunking mean exactly?

Think of disinformation and fake news as a disease that spreads among the population. Researchers want to contain the spread of these false claims among the population by inoculating them like a vaccine does.

In that way, prebunking could help reach a sort of herd immunity when it comes to false information, therefore limiting its impact, explained Sander van der Linden, a social psychologist at Cambridge University who authored the new book Foolproof: Why We Fall for Misinformation and How to Build Immunity.

"Pre-bunking is the opposite of debunking. It is a preemptive technique based on the idea of physiological inoculation," he told Euronews.

"So, just as vaccines expose people to a weakened dose of a virus to try to trigger the production of antibodies to help prevent future infection, you preemptively try to refute a future falsehood or to take techniques that are used to dupe people online so they can build up mental antibodies and in the future they are partly immune to disinformation".

Google had already launched a prebunking campaign last year in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia focusing on false claims about Ukrainian refugees causing a housing crisis in these countries.

It was watched a whopping 38 million times - half of the population of the three countries concerned. 

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